Strategies For Content Creation

A content strategy includes management of any tangible media (text, visuals, videos, etc.) that you create. When creating any such content, it should have a defined purpose. In today’s competitive world where every business is using digital content to reach customers, having a smart content marketing strategy is an important step towards excelling.

Strategic creation of quality digital content has become imperative for attracting high user traffic. It helps in creating an impact on your audience, brand’s bottom line and web presence. Also, an effective content creation and marketing strategy improves user engagement which in turn boosts search engine ranking for your website.

Foundation Of Content Creation:

  • Understand Your Content Goals- Any content you create should serve a purpose. The purpose may be to boost brand awareness, generate leads, convert users, attract returning customers, improve search ranking results, etc.
  • Know Content Differentiation Factor- CDF is the factor that helps your content stand out among a pool of digital content created every day. It may be your unique perspective, writing style or any other selling point.
  • Know Your Topic Areas- Understand different stages of sales funnel because every stage requires different content. At first stage of creating awareness, a user needs to be provided content such as tips, checklists, educational information, how-to videos, etc. The second stage of evaluation requires content like data sheets, demos, FAQs or benefits. For the final stage of purchase, create content around coupons, offers, estimates, additional services and other topics that will motivate the user.

Understand Your Audience: Know your customer like age, location, preferences, online behavior, online content they engage in, etc. and build a buyer persona. Now create content while focusing on this user profile.

Focus On Your Niche: Be focused on your niche while creating content. Your content should be unique, specific and distinct. In order to establish your authority, make sure that your content should offer value to your customers by providing information they are looking for.

How SEO Fits In Content Strategy: Thoroughly research for the keywords that yourtarget customers are searching for. in order to improve your ranking in search engine result pages, weave your content around these keywords. Make sure to include long tail keywords for targeting voice searches.

Measure The Results: Once you implement a content strategy, regularly measure the results to improve your strategy for maximum results. Use following metrics to measure the results-

  • Consumption Metrics- This data helps in answering questions like did your blog post result in high user traffic, do users spend more time on a specific post or type of content, what kind of post garners higher number of comments, etc.
  • Social Sharing Metrics- This metrics helps in finding the level of user engagement. Gather information about what kind of content is being shared, the kind of users who are sharing it, the platform where content is being shared and the kind of content that is converting. This will help you in optimizing your content strategy accordingly.
  • Lead Metrics- If your content is part of sales funnel, it may either be attracting or leaking leads. So, monitor the content to prevent dropping out of customers and recognize the type of content that is generating more leads.

VANQ Media is a SEO services company in Mississauga, ON. We help our clients in creating quality content to boost their search engine rankings and increase user traffic. Our team incorporates well-organized strategies for content creation in order to garner quality results. For more information on strategic content creation in Mississauga, visit